By Mirae Park G10
Banyan and Qiao have just closed up their snack & drink booth and are drinking the leftover soft drinks while eating pizza in their homeroom classroom.
Qiao: (raising her cup) Cheers to another successful sales day for the Student Council!
Banyan: Cheers! (takes a sip from his cup) If I’m not mistaken, we made more than we did during Halloween! Business is booming.
Qiao: For sure. I hope we’ve made enough for the big events we have next year.
Banyan: (raises his eyebrows) Winter Carnival was already big enough! We overprepared and we did great!
Qiao: (unconvinced) I think the holiday spirit played a big part in our booth’s “success”. There were so many amazing booths, I’m surprised people came to ours at all!
Banyan: Yeah, but people need stuff to eat and drink while watching the performances.
Qiao: True. (takes a bite of pizza) I’m glad that the primary students also had a successful bake sale.
Banyan: Yeah, they’re learning to enjoy entrepreneurship rather than stressing about sales (looks pointedly at Qiao).
Qiao: (defensively) Hey, if it isn’t stressful, it isn’t a successful business. Besides, I find it enjoyable too.
Banyan: Sure, sure. You know what I think was successful, though? CARE Week!
Qiao: You bet! I love these types of activities that make the school day so much more fun. Plus, it was all for a good cause: learning to care about each other!
Banyan: Especially the music house challenge and whole school assembly. I had fun singing “Try Everything” with my Green House buddies.
Qiao: But you can’t deny that Yellow House completely crushed it with “See You Again”! I saw people who weren’t in that house singing along!
Banyan: (nods and takes a bite of pizza) I agree. Yellow House’s performance was (does a dramatic chef’s kiss).
Qiao: (laughs) Indeed. Honestly, I think the primary students carried the performances. I absolutely LOVED their energy! I wish I had their confidence…
Banyan: Knowing that they had their primary talent show not too long ago, I’m not surprised. I wish secondary had one, too! Then I could show off my sick football skills…
Qiao: (rolls her eyes) I think everyone’s seen enough of your antics.
Mr. Sego suddenly opens the door and enters the room.
Mr. Sego: (stares disapprovingly at the two students) Seriously, pizza? Come on guys. You need some encouragement to exercise during the holiday (hands out brochures to them for the vacation basketball club and leaves the room).
Banyan: (thoughtfully) Tempting… I’ll join if I can show off my new House Captain T-shirt.
Qiao: The winners for that house challenge were decided, right? I can’t wait to see the designs in real life!
Mr. Mike enters holding a bag.
Banyan: Is that your Secret Santa present, Mr. Mike?
Mr. Mike: Yeah, the teachers and staff had their own Secret Santa event.
Qiao: May we see what present you’ve received?
Mr. Mike: Go ahead (shows the inside of the bag to Banyan).
Banyan: (peeks inside) What is that? It looks like an object that would come up in a question for the World Scholar’s Cup!
Mr. Mike: (laughs) Right, you went there a week ago, right? Nice description (turns to Qiao and shows her what’s inside).
Qiao: (stares at the present) Whoever gave you a present is not a Secret Santa, they’re a Secret Scoundrel!