Sep 2, 20221 minASAs begin Sept 5 2022Dear Parents, 尊敬的家长: We are pleased to offer a selection of after school activities – I hope you will find many opportunities for your...
Jul 22, 20221 minClass of 2022 – Outstanding IB Results!Business Management = 5 Biology = 5 Physics = 6 Mathematics AA = 4 Visual Arts = 5 Information Technologies = 5 Language & Literature...
Sep 29, 20211 minEntrepreneurship and IB Thinking有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎? Is it not delightful to have friends coming from afar? The words of Confucius came to my mind when Jason Yu, our 2019...
Oct 16, 20201 minReady for UniversitySUPPORTING UNIVERSITY APPLICATIONS With a growing list of excellent university acceptances, we continue to work with our senior students...
Apr 17, 20202 minPlay Based LearningFrom birth, children are ‘hands-on’ natural inquirers and learn through playful interactions with people and their environment. Play is...
Apr 17, 20201 minCelebrate Learning and TeachingHere’s an insect created out of leaves by a Year 2 student: What makes an insect different from other living things? How do insects...