With a growing list of excellent university acceptances, we continue to work with our senior students as they prepare their university applications. From Qiao island, our students have gone to a range of excellent schools around the world:
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Hong Kong Polytechnic Institute
Purdue University, US
Hong Kong University
University of Toronto, Canada
Erasmus University Rotterdam, The Netherlands
The University of Manchester, UK
Jiaotong University, Shanghai
The University of Alberta, Canada
University of Helsinki, Finland
and many, many more! Below, you can see the steps we take with our graduates to help them get to their chosen school. Step #4 is the University Fair. This year our students can join a virtual fair featuring over 100 universities from the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada, Europe, Australia, Hong Kong, Japan, and the Middle East. Offered by BridgeU and the British International School of Cairo, this fair runs from Friday October 23rd to Wednesday, October 28th.
This fair is free for students in Years 10-13 and their parents. Interested? Visit this link to register for the fair